Kart Leagues
Don’t have all the necessary equipment, we have you covered! From kart to helmet and everything in between. NYRC promotes a race were you get to compete without owning all the accessories. Follow the join link below to get all the details.
A page dedicated to all the services offered at the Race Complex. Explore all the options we have available and make sure if you don’t see what you need reach out as we are here to make sure go fast and have fun doing it!
Karting can be very difficult with the many variables the sport offer a new racer, this section might answer some of the questions you may have.
Off Track
Made it to the track but need accommodations a restaurant or maybe just supplies, we have compiled a list of community business that can help.
NY Shop
Looking to reserve an Easy Kart or buy a practice entry shop for it here. Season passes are now available. League registration and purchase is open, karts are always limited to availability.